My parents got divorced when I was one or two years old, so the family member I struggled with was my dad, or the lack of his presence at home. 

I remember - every single year - during Father's Day, everyone celebrates and makes stuff at school... I hated that day. To me, it's the day, society tells you what you don't have.  

And it always made me question, “Why don't I have a dad? Why didn't my dad want me? Why did my dad leave me?" 

I’ve always thought that if you have a dad, your life will be so much better. I would always be like, "Oh I have such a hard life," "These things are weighing me down," "I'd be so much better if I had x, and z."

But when I really look back on my life, I have food, a house, I went to school... Seeing how everything worked out, it just made me realise how blessed I was. That was a point where I was like okay... 


Stop pitying yourself. And just start focusing on yourself and how to better yourself. I haven't really figured it all out. But I feel like I'm getting closer and closer each day. 

My hope for my family is to reconnect with my dad. I think there's something there that is untapped. I can't see now, but if I do reconnect, there's something to grow on there.